Friday, December 2, 2016

I am reading this book called SPY HIGH it is awesome and I am soon going to do another post so stay alert for it, spy's agents.  Image result for spy high books

Thursday, October 27, 2016


im reading the book fortune falls.its a great book about a girl who is unlucky and she has to go away if she fails at the spring test.dose she fail im yet to know.

Monday, October 17, 2016


lightning thief .is book is about a boy named percy is a half blood and he is in danger of monsters will he survive?

Friday, October 14, 2016


I am Reading Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets.It Is Another Harry Potter Book.I Like It So Far!I hope you like it.=>

Image result for harry potter and the chamber of secrets


 a perfect time for pandas. Jack and Annie  have to get the last object to break the spell that penny has and that thing is a panda if you want to find the rest you have to read           P.s this book is great

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

kemi falade

Image result for oh my godsthe book Oh.My.Gods  is about girl named Phoene and her and her dad loved.So now she loves to run and her mom went to Greece to look around and she found love that she only new for 6 days!Phoene  mom marry the guy that she just meet  and Phoene dream school is USC. But because of her mom she has to move to Greece and she hates it.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Jacob Cook

Image result for dinosaurs before dark

In this book two kids named Jack and Annie went out to play.  They found a treehouse that they soon found out that it was magic.  The treehouse starts to spin and the dinosaurs show up.  They found many dinosaurs and studied about them. Jack and Annie are trying to get home.  Will they do it in time.